Living in the New Earth — Why NOW is the time to step into your ideal life

Michael James
3 min readAug 6, 2024

A New World

Right now, fearful voices in the media, both alternative and mainstream, are louder than ever. If you believed everything you read, you’d think the world was ending. And in a way, it is. But not in the bleak way you may believe.

The world is becoming smaller, people from all over the planet are living closer together and this is the way it was always going to be; it’s the natural next step to bring us all together. What we want to do is raise our vibration from right where we are, meaning we clear our mind; we look for the wanted rather than the unwanted aspects. See it as an opportunity to start looking for the best in one another and realise perhaps it’s not ‘us’ and ‘them’ — it’s only ‘us’. In this way, we can live our best lives wherever we are.

Negativity overwhelm

Our personality loves the thrill of drama — we read the news less to find out what’s going on (though that’s what we tell ourselves) — and more to get our daily fix of excitement. And there’s a lot of money being made by posting material that stirs people up. Look at the tabloid press — that’s the secret to its success. Nowadays, this is how many ‘alternative’ voices make their money too — seemingly outdoing one another with the negative drama. It’s long been said that good news doesn’t sell — and that’s because good news is often perceived as boring.

With the instantaneous broadcasting on social media, it’s often a case of people speaking (or posting) before they take pause to fact-check, in order to keep their audiences — and so all kinds of fiction gets published as fact. Another reason to keep our (social) media intake to a minimum.

In these times more than ever, we need some good news to outweigh the negativity overwhelm. And good news really doesn’t have to be dull.

Living in the New Earth

As difficult as it is to see through the fog of the news drama I’ve just mentioned — I do believe a shift for the better is happening. People have claimed for years that we are shifting into a new or ‘golden’ age. A better time of human existence. But when you are constantly talking about shifting into a new age, you never get there. It’s like manifesting — which I wrote about in a previous post — you are always ‘on the way’ to the good and you never get there. Instead, you’ve got to claim it now.

So regardless of logic or senses, we have to claim the world that we want. Manifest means reveal it doesn’t mean create — and the time is now.

The planet that we want isn’t going to happen — it’s happening. We’ve just got to tune in. It’s about doing what we need to do — those all important practices — to make that shift in perspective. Otherwise it’s just wishful thinking.

There’s nothing wrong with negativity

I’m not one of these people who says negativity is all bad. It’s understandable as the planet goes through great change there will be moments of fear and misunderstanding, especially if you rely on outside sources for your information. Plus, it’s this resistance that actually evolves us. So you could say, with everything going on, the world is more evolved than it’s ever been in recorded history. And this evolution that is happening is positive. Like lifting big weights at the gym leads to big gains, the world is going through a big workout and the results are golden. The world of separation and judgement is over and it’s time for love. The question is, are you tuned to this new world or are you still stuck in the stories about the world you don’t want? The choice is yours.

Michael James is the author of Emotional First Aid and Feel Better, No Matter What which are both published by Watkins Publishing.



Michael James
Michael James

Written by Michael James

Life Coach, Philosopher and Group Facilitator • Author •

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