Finding Love (with the Law of Attraction)
Can you manifest your perfect match?
Romantic relationships
“Where’s my soulmate and how do I meet him/her?” is something I hear from people often in my coaching sessions. And more than a few people have credited me with helping them find their perfect match. I have done workshops on the subject of love relationships and what I discovered is that I couldn’t always promise people that they’d meet the one instantly, but what I could do is help them get themselves into their Real Self space where they feel the one themselves — and good things unfold as a result — which often includes meeting a wonderful partner.
And in the meantime, because these things happen in the perfect time, I could help people feel good in their lives before they meet someone. So many people waste time waiting for their soulmate to show up that they are missing out on their own lives. There are actually benefits to being single which you might realise once you’ve met someone — I’m not saying you can’t have it all — but you might aswell enjoy those benefits while you can.
Perfect timing
I remember presenting at a spiritual event sometime ago and overhearing a psychic telling an anxious client “you’ll meet him when you’ll meet him - that’s all I can say”.
The psychics answer was very wise. Annoying perhaps, but wise. And I absolutely agree with it, for everyone. I can’t tell you when you’re going to meet the one — but your intuituition knows on some level. The fact that you are looking means it’s inevitable, regardless of how doubtful you might feel at times.
Finding Love
So many people are looking for their dream partner in someone else forgetting to spend time becoming that dream partner themselves. And this is where you want to shift your power: which is being the ideal partner yourself. Focus on the things you can change - such as listening to your guidance — which will nudge you to fulfilling relationships, rather than listening to lower level mind chatter — which won’t.
You want to develop the lifestyle you want to enjoy with a partner rather than just thinking “oh I’ll change that when my partner gets here”. An example of this includes people being into all kinds of habits with the thought “I’ll give that up when I’m in a loving relationship”. I’m not saying to change yourself — I’m saying love yourself as you are, and there’s a big difference. One of the worst habit people have is the habit of criticising themselves. This is the most important behaviour change to work on — start loving yourself now, before you partner appears. Be this self-confident version for you — because you deserve to be with that ideal partner.
Many people are looking for someone in order to make them feel special because they don’t feel special. Work on feeling special first, and then your “mirror” will arrive.
Michael James is the author of Emotional First Aid and Feel Better, No Matter What which are both published by Watkins Publishing.