Doorway to Abundance
The secret to manifesting money
Some people struggle with wealth, trying to get rich; wanting to get money and trying to attract it. And yet so many of the get-rich-quick methods out there just get people to feel needier and more longing; keeping them in “wanting to be rich” rather than “being rich”.
People try to think their way to riches, which rarely works, despite what certain books tell you. Thinking is the obstacle to your channel of money, not the way to it. Many people try to visualise money or tell themselves over and over “I am rich” with little belief — which amounts to little more than pretending and just gets them deeper into clouds of thinking: Every time they try to feel rich, they feel poorer. And so these techniques to “try to manifest wealth” become a declaration that you are not wealthy yet. And so that is what Life reflects back.
I recently watched an interview with an MMA champion. She was asked how her life had changed since becoming a champion. Her answer was interesting, she said there is no difference in how she felt before she was a champion and now, other than that she’d got the winning belts at home and is asked to do more interviews. But she felt no different. Why? Because she felt like a champion already, and the world telling her she was one wasn’t necessary to her and didn’t improve on that feeling. She was already that which she was wanting — and she knew it. In the same way, you want to feel your wealth now, so much so that you need nothing to change. That’s why the rich get richer: They already know they are rich, and like attracts like.
This is not pretending, it’s going within and listening for who you are. It’s tuning into Reality. It’s relaxing beneath the clouds of overthinking and being your Real Self now; relaxing into that feeling of wealth that can be accessed now and only now.
Personal Development for many is an endless “trying” to be better, which simply makes you more stuck into where you are. You are confident or you’re not. There is no “on the way”. Many people go to workshops which just get them to be even more “on the way” to what they want. Years pass and guess what — they are still “on their way”.
Being confident in simple terms means you are not in mind chatter. The clouds of thought have parted and in this moment you are abundance.
The magic power of tithing
One day, someone shared with me the secret of something called Tithing. At first it seemed ridiculous to my logical thinking mind, but then again many of the best ideas do. Let me explain:
In history, tithing was when people gave a percentage of their income — usually 10% — to people and places such as spiritual teachers and organisations that were the source of their own personal upliftment and contributing good in the world. Many churches and spiritual organisations still do this, and allow people to give a fixed amount in this way. You may want to further research this subject for yourself, because you will discover that many of the richest people and organisations on earth do this practice.
At first I thought it seemed ridiculous or a way for other people to “rip people off”, as much as I was told that this was not for the organisation so much as the individual. And sometimes, it is that. But it didn’t make logical sense — it seemed like if you gave away money you’d have less. But becuase trying to visualise money or think “rich” thoughts wasn’t working, I decided to give it a try.
You are already rich
In truth, you are already that which you are wanting to be. So what better way to demonstrate wealth than to share wealth. After all, you wouldn’t share wealth unless you were wealthy, would you? So this is a powerful key to the genuine feeling of abundance. As it’s been said, you attract what you are, not what you want. Keep the flow going.
Generosity is a gift to Self
In my own experience, I found money coming at me from unexpected directions once I began following my intuition and giving to those places that had somehow helped my journey in a profound way. The process was making me feel wealthier, so much so that I forgot about trying to manifest money. And why would I need to? I was already rich.
A word of advice
However, I am not suggesting you give away your last penny so you end up feeling poorer. In fact you don’t give at all unless guided to share.
The key is to share when you’re inspired, from a feeling of wealth and abundance, rather than giving to “get” money or giving to be “nice”. When guided, sharing money in this way is exciting and makes you feel wealthy and empowered. It’s a demonstration that you are already rich — and there’s almost a magic about it as it opens the doorway to abundance.
There are many ways to give — it’s not just money. You can give your time, or compliments — or items that you no longer want or need.
Giving and receiving
Also, it’s important that you allow people to give to you too, whether it be financial or otherwise. Often people are almost embarrassed to accept gifts, again due to how the subject of money can push people’s buttons. But this is denying someone the opportunity to share. Go beyond such thoughts and into your Real Self, that knows not such mind chatter but only abundance. Opening to receive is as important as opening to give, and ultimately it’s the same thing — it allows the flow of abundance.
Let’s tap into the wellspring of abundance that is here right now. The doorway to the abundance that you are exists now. It doesn’t exist in the future, only now. Right now you are already limitless abundance and it’s time to know that and be that.
Michael James is the author of Emotional First Aid and Feel Better, No Matter What which are both published by Watkins Publishing.